Provoking Possibilities
Join Certified Hypnotherapist and Founder of Possibilities Universe, Lauren Best, each week as she shares intentional conversations with curious individuals who have dared to follow their heart and intuition amongst the unknown, along with her own insights through personal reflections on new ways of being authentic in a world that seeks perfection.
The purpose of this podcast is to inspire you to open your mind to new possibilities that will empower you to create a life you love while nurturing your mind, body, and soul.
Provoking Possibilities
Balancing the Acts of Self-Love and Support with Kara Joshi
This week I'm joined by my incredible friend and client, Kara Joshi, a beacon of strength and compassion, who's going to take us on a heartfelt journey of supporting loved ones through addiction while also tending to our own well-being. Kara's story is a shining example of resilience, and today, we're diving deep into the art of finding that delicate balance in life. Yes, we're tackling a tough topic, addiction, but I promise this episode is all about hope, love, and self-care!
In this touching conversation, Kara and I chat about her experience with having a loved one with addiction issues, and how she has reevaluated how she shows up for others and for herself with deep self-love and forgiveness.
Kara opens up about her personal journey, showing us the incredible power of shedding negative thought patterns and embracing daily practices that bring healing and positivity into our lives. It's nothing short of inspiring to witness her transformation, and I can't help but shower her with praise for her unwavering dedication to her healing journey!
Tune in now for a conversation filled with compassion, resilience, and advice on balancing the acts of self-love and support! 💞
Kara is a long-term yoga practitioner who was introduced to the practice by her mum. She also loves playing music, free-diving and taking photos of the people she loves.
Connect with Kara:
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/yoshjoshbagosh
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-joshi-7a2379aa/
Lauren Best is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Provoker of Possibility. She works with Curious Individuals, Creative Entrepreneurs, and Conscious Companies who are ready to explore how they can do things differently in their work and life.
She creates spaces and experiences that share with them the tools to dive into a world of self-discovery and growth where they can unlock an even greater potential inside of themselves using their subconscious minds.
Lauren has collaborated with public and private sector organizations, small businesses and solopreneurs across the globe from Canada to the UK, Netherlands, Australia, The United States and Singapore to help folks move through the noise, envision and come up with new ideas, and create bite-sized plans of action that support their desired area of transformation.
Links: https://linktr.ee/laurenbest_co
Website: https://lauren-best.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenhollybest/
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@laurenbest_co
Free Hypnosis Audio: https://www.lauren-best.com/dreaming-during-uncertainty-hypnosis-audio/
Lauren Best (00:00:08) - Welcome to provoking Possibilities, where we reflect on pivotal life moments, ask thought provoking questions and dream up new possibilities for living a life you love that may be a little out of your current reality. I'm Lauren Best, a certified hypnotherapist and provoker of possibility, and I've created this podcast for people who are curious about exploring new ways of living, who are looking to connect deeper with their bodies, their intuition, their hearts, and then known, and who are really ready to just embrace their most authentic selves, to move into flow and into alignment. There is just so much that is possible for us when we open ourselves up to exploring new possibilities beyond our wildest imagination. So if you're ready and curious to begin exploring new possibilities, join me every week for a new episode of Provoking Possibilities on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Let's dive in. Hi everyone. Welcome to Another week of Subconscious Minds, where we explore new possibilities for unlocking the potential of your subconscious mind to design a life that you love.
Lauren Best (00:01:19) - I'm your host, Lauren Best, a certified hypnotherapist and provoker of possibility. And before we get into it today, I want to take a moment to welcome back any listeners who have joined us before and welcome any new listeners to the show. I am just so grateful that you have chosen to spend your time listening to this show and also giving yourself that space to learn something new, discover something new about yourself, whatever it may be. And today I have my number one WhatsApp voice note friend Cara joining us to talk about the journey that she has been through to navigate the stages of self forgiveness in her experience of having a loved one with addiction issues and also how she's been able to create some amazing foundational rituals in her life that have really been instrumental in creating space for her own self compassion, practice, her own expansion within her own mindset, and also just taking time for the things that she loves. She is an amazing bendy person. Her yoga videos are so amazing and she's been a really long term yoga practitioner who was introduced to yoga by her mother.
Lauren Best (00:02:32) - She loves playing music, freediving. She's also a mermaid on a side note, and she loves taking photos of the people that she loves, also capturing through film. She's an amazing film creator as well. So welcome, Cara. I'm so excited for you to join us today and share your light and your magic. Oh, thank you so much for having me.
Kara Joshi (00:02:55) - That was like the nicest welcome ever. It's so nice to be here. I'm so grateful.
Lauren Best (00:02:59) - And usually we're just like sending our voice notes back and forth. So it's a little more formal today, but we're still going to have fun and explore and get as deep as we always do.
Kara Joshi (00:03:10) - Yeah, exactly. I'm hoping all those voice notes has prepared me fully for this moment. Like this is what it's all been leading up to. Exactly.
Lauren Best (00:03:17) - You've just been practicing, you know?
Kara Joshi (00:03:20) - Exactly.
Lauren Best (00:03:21) - And, you know, just being able to show up today and share your vulnerability. I know we've started working together with hypnosis, but we've been friends for many years.
Lauren Best (00:03:30) - And, you know, just seeing you navigate your like your own light and having such, you know, beautiful things in your life that you make time for, like your yoga, like I said, and just being in water in nature and around the people you love. I know how difficult it's been for you to navigate this, You know, in recent years, this experience of having someone so close to you with addiction issues and, you know, taking a lot of that energy on in terms of supporting that person emotionally and, you know, just always, you know, being such a compassionate, empathetic person, I'd love for you to kind of just start by sharing like what that journey like looks like in the beginning for you as you were showing up for that person in your life and, you know, being that support for them and how that kind of impacted your own life as well?
Kara Joshi (00:04:24) - Yeah, of course. Um, and I guess like for as anyone who's who knows anyone with addiction or anyone who's been like, you know, struggling with addiction as well, like it's such a long journey.
Kara Joshi (00:04:35) - And now that I look back on it, I realize how kind of insidious it is and how it it grows so quickly. But just to kind of provide a little bit of like context to, to like my relationship with it and my story with it. So my brother, my older brother, um, has, um, kind of suffered with addiction for, I would say, like the majority of his adult life. Um, it's been about 12 years now. I think we would. I was talking about it with my sister. I'm the youngest of three. I've got an older sister, an older brother, and then there's me. And there's a fairly big gap between us. There's like six years between me and my brother and then my sister's again, two years older than him. Um, so I really, like, had so many really deeply ingrained kind of notions and of like what my brother was and who that person was. And he, and we've explored this together in hypnosis, and I've explored it a lot in my own kind of introspection in yoga and meditation as well, where like so much of my identity, I felt like came from my brother.
Kara Joshi (00:05:41) - And so he was this really important sort of cornerstone person in my life and remains to be like, that's still true. Like, um, and then as I got older and sort of realized and he went on his own journey as well and um, for one reason or another and it's never as simple as, oh, he made 1 or 2 bad choices. It's always, like I said, so insidious and such a sadly long and drawn out process. Um, he kind of fell into this really. Vicious cycle of addiction and mental health. And he yeah, like I think for a long time, I firstly, I can I can think of it now in stages. I think initially there was a lot of confusion and denial because I was a lot younger. I think is the, is the kind of blatant truth of it is that I was a bit too young to really realise the gravity of what was going on. Um, and this was also what, ten, 12 years ago, you know, like constant communication wasn't that prevalent then.
Kara Joshi (00:06:47) - Like we weren't always on FaceTime, we weren't always sending like voice to each other. Like, we just weren't always on the phone to each other. You know, we had Skype and we had Facebook, but we weren't living in the same country at the time. So I think there was just that distance physically as well. Um, so yeah, there was a lot of like didn't really know what was happening. And then I check in every now and again and when we saw each other I was like, okay, that's just where he is. He's in his early 20s. I don't know. I'm in my late teens. That must be what people do. Because again, there's this kind of. Understanding that this person kind of shows me what it is to be alive. Like this person like tells me, Oh, this is how you do this, this is how you be at this at this stage. And so I just kind of took it as like, okay, cool. That's just what you do when you get to that point.
Kara Joshi (00:07:31) - But it was only when I got to that point myself and was like, Oh, I didn't do that. I don't enjoy that. I don't think that's cool. That's kind of where I started questioning things. And then, um, yeah, as it's gone on, it's gotten a lot less, I guess, fun in, you know, inverted commas because it's, I don't think it's ever fun for anyone, but it's like it became a lot less of a party thing and it just became more of a full on addiction and like, you know, feeling like they need to. Always like be on something to survive, to like using it work and lying to people and really alienating like himself from the family. And. And. Like. Yeah, just going down a pretty dark and lonely road. Um, and it's not for want of trying. Like, we've all kind. We've all been there the whole time. But yeah, I guess my journey with it was as I got older and sort of realized.
Kara Joshi (00:08:28) - What was happening. I tried my best to be there and I tried my best to do what I could, but I always knew and I had fair warning from people that you can't change people, you can't make decisions for someone else, you can't act on someone's behalf. Um, so I knew that going into it, I feel really grateful that I had that warning. Um, but you still want to do everything you can, right? You still don't want to be like, Oh, well, there's nothing I can do. It's not my, not my life, not my problem. Like, you still want to try. Um, and so I tried in my own way to do things that I thought would help just by showing up in ways that I thought would be helpful. Literally physically showing up and just wanting to hang out and wanting to kind of talk shit and do nothing and play video games and just spend time how we used to spend time and try and reconnect on a level that I value and that I kind of missed.
Kara Joshi (00:09:17) - So that was sort of what it looked like initially. Um, but then I sort of I did feel drained by it. Like I felt like we weren't addressing the elephant in the room. Like I felt like again, it was me kind of reverting back to our like, child type relationship where I was the sibling and I just kind of feigned ignorance. And that was quite draining. But I also didn't know how to broach the subject. And I guess I wanted to I wanted to be a reprieve. Like I wanted to feel like a holiday, like wanted to feel like, oh, when we together, you don't have to worry about all that stuff and you don't have to think about stuff. We just hang out in a in a in the purest way that you can. And anyone that with a sibling knows like that relationship can be super pure. And, you know, I think I was trying to get to that, but it was draining me. Um, and I was starting to build up a little bit of resentment, Um, and that obviously wasn't healthy to harbor.
Kara Joshi (00:10:14) - Um, and so more recently, I think I've, we've been working together to try and figure out what are the ways that I feel like I can show up and not feel drained and not feel. Like I'm not doing enough, but also not feel like I'm doing it at the expense of my own energy and at the expense of myself. And it's a lot less than I would, I guess, like to think like it's actually a lot less than. I would have hoped to be, to be frank. But I think that's also reflective of. Like where we are on the journey. Like I said, it's been ten, 12 years now of this, um, and that you also have to respect the context. Like I'll have to respect all the experiences that I've had over those 1012 years and be like, Yeah, okay, maybe if it weren't for that and if I had done this kind of journey of self-discovery and if I'd been a bit more. Like aware of my subconscious and how things are affecting me and how I could possibly navigate this relationship differently.
Kara Joshi (00:11:15) - When I'd first started, maybe it would be totally different, but that's not where we are. Um, but I do feel like it's much more sustainable now. Like, you know, now I just want to get to a place where. I can not feel resentment. I can not feel anger, and I can also not feel guilt for anything that I have haven't done. Um, that is not really my fault. That was like the longest answer to the question.
Lauren Best (00:11:41) - No, but it's great. Like, it really, you know, paints this picture of what it was like and this relationship that you had. You know, we all, if anyone here has like listening, has a sibling, you know, for those who do and for those who don't. Every relationship looks so different. And in your case, it was like your older brother was your role model for so many years. And then to realize, like, okay, he showed up for me in so many ways. I want to show it for him.
Lauren Best (00:12:12) - And you just being an empath and someone who really deeply cares about people in general, let alone this is your older brother who you love more than anyone. And just having that willingness, I think that's a big common thing that many people might experience in different ways of feeling like, you know, we want to show up for the people we love or we've been taught that we need to show up for the people we love. And in what better way than perhaps the ways that, you know, we would want or the ways that we think we should, Because we really just are trying to do our best to support this person that we love. And for you to have that journey of. Figuring out, okay, this is draining for me and I still love this person. But how? Can I show up? That's different. Like, different than what wasn't working already. You know, that can help. That's where I can find this space to release some of that guilt of, you know. Well, I tried all these things, and it still didn't work.
Lauren Best (00:13:15) - So, you know, how can I show up and support my own self just like I was trying to support them? And having that flip of like, this is where I where I need and where I really want to actually put my energy. Because sometimes guilt can be this thing that, you know, when we're we're acting or we have that feeling, it's like, well, what more can I do? You know, I have to keep trying to do things. And, you know, you've, you've navigated to this place now where you're really conscious of, okay, what is it that I want? What is it that I need? I can still love this person so much without showing up in those same ways because this is actually what's going to be best for me. And when they are ready or if they are and, you know, reach out, then I can support them in these different ways, the ways that I'm going to be able to show up well. So, you know, just sharing that I think can, you know, give people a new perspective of, you know, these things are not easy.
Lauren Best (00:14:17) - And especially with people we love, it's never going to be as simple as, you know, sometimes just showing up and sharing all of your love with someone. Like there's so much more to it. And yes, it's there reality of having this addiction, but it really is all consuming in terms of like, this is also reality in your life. But what is that reality mean for your life, even though you're not the one who has that addiction issue as well? So totally. I think.
Kara Joshi (00:14:46) - Also.
Lauren Best (00:14:47) - Yeah, being vulnerable to share what your experience was or is actually.
Kara Joshi (00:14:52) - Yeah, I'm so I'm so happy to share it because I think also it can feel really isolating because like. It's not technically my problem. Like. Think that was something that I struggled with for a long time is that I was like, I you know, I feel so sad about this. I feel heartbroken about this. Like, it's heartbreaking to think of someone that you love and and think the world of in this place in their mind where they think they're worthless and they think they have no value.
Kara Joshi (00:15:18) - It is heartbreaking. And I know that anyone that's like knows anyone with addiction can really relate to that. It's not even the self destruction. I guess that is the worst. It's the hardest to watch. It's the root of the suffering that is the hardest to watch because it's just like mind boggling to think that, you know, you would people can think so low of themselves. And that is, I think, the saddest thing to see, especially when you it's the opposite for you. Like can't even imagine like you are light, like you are just everything. Like you are the most wonderful person. I don't see how you can, but it's like, like I said, you can't really get into someone's brain. I think you touched on something that really resonated with me is that you want to be able to show up someone when they've shown up for you. And I think that was a really big thing for me is that I felt like indebted but in a really good way. Like not in a burdensome way, felt really indebted to my brother because he had given me so much.
Kara Joshi (00:16:13) - And like, I still think that he still has given me so much and continues to give me so much. Um, like there's still things that happen that I laugh about because I'm like, Oh my God, we had this dumb inside joke about it and I still find it funny. Um, and I feel like my sense of humor is a lot to do with us in my childhood and how we related to each other and all like, and so to be given it felt like an opportunity to be like, Hey, here's something, here's an opportunity that I can finally give back. Yeah, it was kind of a bit of a red herring because one, now that I look back on it, I'm like, That's a pretty selfish way of looking at it. Firstly, like, think that's pretty, like self-absorbed to be like, Oh, it's my time to shine. And it's just not like it's not about me. Um, and then. Like. And secondly. Not really doing it in.
Kara Joshi (00:17:06) - I don't think I was doing it with the wrong intentions or like think I was doing it with the purest of intentions, but just not really knowing how. Like not really equipping myself at all. Like I said, I had warning about, you know, don't take on too much. And I had verbal warnings, but think I was still kind of going in pretty blind. Um, but luckily, I think and I'd forgot to mention this before there was something that I think really helped equip me for this, which sort of happened in the middle chronologically, but it's sort of definitely helped me get to where I am now. Um, my sister was in a really abusive relationship, so my older sister, um, and that feeling of like helplessness and just wanting to literally extricate someone from a situation and it's like, you just want to be one of those claw clips and be like, I just want to take you out of this and yeah, put you somewhere else. Um, going through that. Uh, was actually very helpful because the thing that I took away the most from that was.
Kara Joshi (00:18:11) - I don't want to build up resentment and anger and frustration to the point where when they're ready, I'm mad, right? Like I want to be ready when they're ready. Because like I said, you can't choose. You can't dictate the timings or feelings to anyone else like you just you cannot you're only in charge of your own feelings and your own reality. So I'm going to create my reality so that I'm super grateful for everything that we've we've been through. And I'm super grateful for our relationship in my childhood. Um, like I said, this is something that we've worked on recently. Whenever it comes into my brain now, I think I wish him well and hope he's okay. Um, and that it just helps switch that energy so that when he's ready, I'm ready. And he's got a loving, like, pair of arms to come into. And I'm not going to be holding on to any resentment. I'm not going to feel like, Oh, there's all this stuff I have to get off my chest.
Kara Joshi (00:19:02) - Oh, there's all this bad air I have to clear. Yeah, it's just going to be like, Cool, we're here. It's happened. It's we're in the present. Now. Let's just move on from this and let's just, like, you know, do whatever we're going to do now in the present moment. Yeah. And that I think was quite helpful to be like, okay, it's the same sort of logic. You just apply it to a different situation.
Lauren Best (00:19:27) - Yeah, yeah. And like as someone who knows you and has, you know, seen you navigate a lot of these really difficult life situations that you didn't have any control over, and really noticing this, this shift of like, I don't have to be responsible for this. I'm not responsible for this. And I get to, you know, give myself what I need in order to show up in the ways that feel good. How like, what was that? I don't know if it was like a moment or just this process that you had to go through to realize like, you know, this isn't my responsibility anymore.
Lauren Best (00:20:09) - Like, because there's probably people who. Struggle to even see the possibility of, you know, this isn't my responsibility anymore. And, you know, holding on to that resentment or holding on to that feeling of helplessness that is so common for people who keep, you know, trying and and and just really don't know how to navigate to get to a place where you're at where it's like, okay, I want to be ready with with an open heart and not have that Yeah. That resentment and that hurt that's going to stop me from, you know, supporting that person, but also like supporting your own self in a way. Oh my God.
Kara Joshi (00:20:54) - It was so not a moment. I wish it was a moment. It is like it is definitely a process. Oh, wish it was like a click. Um, you know, when you hear people talk about like, oh, I had a light bulb moment and I'm like, I'm so happy for you. It just so was not like that for me.
Kara Joshi (00:21:08) - It's daily. It's a daily thing that have to work on and it's a daily thing. And I have to remind myself of because I think and we touched on it before about like just putting in little rituals, like it's a daily micro ritual, I would say, of firstly it was building that awareness of what the root of the feeling is and being like, okay, because I would find myself getting into these negative thought spirals, I would think of my brother. And this is something that we've touched on really recently. I would that would a joke would pop into my brain. I'd see something that I would find funny and I would be like, Oh my God, that's so funny. And then I would be like, Oh my God. And then I would just go into this negative thoughts spiral of guilt and sadness and heartbreak and a bit of shame just thrown in for fun. Yeah, about my brother and just feeling like I'm not doing anything. I'm not doing enough. And this is, you know, I'm taking responsibility for what I have and have done.
Kara Joshi (00:22:02) - And so that had to happen. But enough times for me to recognize that it was happening and it got to the point where I would kind of dissociate, like I would be in the middle of doing something and I would completely zone out from what I was doing and I would come to and be like, I've been stationary for like two minutes just in this negative thoughts. So that had to happen. And that was personally embarrassing. Like it sometimes happened, like it really inopportune times like at work where someone would be saying something, you're like, Oh my God, I totally was not with you. I was just in a black hole of thought. Right? So it had to happen enough times that I was like, okay, this is. A problem for me and something that I don't want to happen anymore. So that was, I think, the first step. And then it was so much like how like so much work in hypnosis, I think helped to. Get the first step. So once that first thought comes in.
Kara Joshi (00:22:56) - Um. You know, then flipping the narrative straight away to being something more positive and just taking a big breath and being like, I don't have to go there. I don't have to go on that. Whatever it is, 2 or 3 minute negative thoughts, spiral draining. I can if I want to, but don't have to. And that's my choice. And I can choose to. And you said it so well, and I'll never forget this. You were like, if you're going to be spending the energy anyway, yeah, spend it in a more productive way. So flipping the narrative at that point to say, I hope he's okay. I wish him well. I love him so much. Um, but like I said, that wasn't that also wasn't a light bulb flick of the switch moment that happens daily. And sometimes I slip and sometimes I still go down days, but it's less and less often than it was before. And I think that's a similar experience to like if you practice yoga or any kind of meditation where it's like you just have to suck at it for ages, you just have to suck at the awareness and you have to mess it up and you have to be like, Oh my God, it happened again.
Kara Joshi (00:23:59) - And but the you're, you're kind of like. Flexing that muscle of being like, okay, well, I noticed, I noticed that it happened and that's better than not noticing at all. Or it's better than just being like, Oh, well, whatever. That's just my life now. That's just my brain. I'm just going to live with it. So I think. Being compassionate with myself and being like, okay, I noticed. Cool. It's a day late, but that's okay. Like maybe next time or notice an hour later and for the most part. Like for me anyway, as I've worked on it like that, it has gotten better and it has gotten, I think, more quick in in the in the reaction. But like I said, every now and again, it's like I'll notice myself and I'm like, Oh, there we go. It happened. But think it's it's so much less frequently than it was before. And it's just so for me, it's like so much around like building that awareness and.
Kara Joshi (00:24:53) - Once that awareness is built, at the time, changing the link. So being super aware and super present with yourself when it happens and being like, okay, here it is, here's the time. Like, here's a different cue for my brain to use because I'm trying to hold on to. But it was so not it was so not a quick thing. And it's still not. Yeah.
Lauren Best (00:25:12) - And we've talked about this. We're just talking about this before we, you know, started recording. Was this like pace of like you were mentioning like, I'm not someone who is drawn to the idea of doing things quickly. And like we were talking about how there's so many different modalities and tools that we can use to, you know, train our bodies, train our minds, whatever it may be. And people are going to be some people are going to be more inclined to be like, I'm going to start running. And it's like for me, I would never have any desire to, like, take up running.
Lauren Best (00:25:47) - Like, I just don't, you know. And for you, it was mentioning like, you know, there's these different modalities that, you know, even just hypnosis versus other traditional therapies, the timelines, you know, with hypnosis are a lot shorter. But, you know, you have such a beautiful. Like, I don't know, this connection to like your energy and just going at your own pace and honoring your own energy and honoring your own pace and even just seeing like you over the years with your yoga practice. Right. And I want to touch upon this because you mentioned like, oh, things might get easier or I might get better at them, but not every day. Like every day there's a building block and, you know, doing this yoga pose might feel really hard right now, but it's like the things I see you doing on your Instagram, your yoga bendy moves are just like, Oh my gosh. And it makes me think, Oh, I could never do that. But it's like you've put in that time in that work and that perseverance to and that also that compassion to your body to be like, look like, let's try something new.
Lauren Best (00:26:53) - I'm going to start off down here and eventually, you know, it's going to get easier. Eventually I'm going to, you know, bend even further or whatever it may be. Like your post today about, you know, think it was something to do with your arm. Maybe you can paint that picture for us a bit better. But of the pose and letting go of your arm and it was just like this mental awareness that you have is like, you know, you obviously didn't like start at that place. And just building that up physically and mentally is something I just admire you for so, so much. But I want to acknowledge that it has been a lot of, you know, work for you to also like put in that time and say like, this is something I want to do. This is something that's important to me. I can be, you know, compassionate to myself to take the time and, you know, not be competitive with myself. I know that's something you like.
Lauren Best (00:27:48) - We always talk about how you're like, I'm the least competitive person ever, but it really allows you to be gentle to yourself and reach those milestones and have that that space to grow without having that pressure of having to do things perfectly or right. And so perhaps even just reflecting back on how you've shown up for other people, you know, you've still been showing up for yourself in ways that are so compassionate and so loving. And yeah, so I just wanted to share that with you. But oh, it's something that, like, you don't see everyone like giving those gifts to themselves.
Kara Joshi (00:28:24) - So I think I feel super. That's so kind. Thank you. But I feel very grateful that, like, I think, like you touched on, um, my mom taught me yoga when I was really young, so I am so grateful that it was it was it was a gift that's been given to me. It's a legacy that's been passed down to me. I was part of that, um, you know, part of that generation of teaching.
Kara Joshi (00:28:46) - I feel super grateful for it because it's given me such an amazing set of tools, um, to introspect and to yeah, like learn about myself and take time and learn about how I function in my brain and what feels good in my body and what feels good and, and how that manifests in my brain and my feelings and kind of just, it gives you this awareness. It's given me this awareness of like the union of everything and how it all works together. And it can be, um, totally separate. Like some people, it's totally separate and some people yoga is not physical practice at all. It's a totally spiritual thing and it's there's no physical practice. And for some people it's the opposite and it's just physical. And I think, um, like it, it can be whatever you want it to be. And that's my favorite thing about yoga is that it's so non prescriptive and it can be, it's what, it's whatever you take from it. Um, and I've, as I've gotten older and as I've grown in myself and in my practice, um, I've noticed that I'm not a quick person.
Kara Joshi (00:29:53) - Like I also would never run because not only because I'm not quick, but because it's like just so unenjoyable. Um, but think, yeah, yeah. I think we've, I think we've both gone through those things where you're like, okay, this is whatever, this is what a lot of people are doing to feel better. Maybe I'll try it. And you're like, it doesn't fit for whatever reason. Like it just feels horrible, like for one reason or another. And sometimes I can articulate it and sometimes I can't. Like, sometimes like, it just doesn't feel like me. And I've noticed that the things that feel the most resonant and the things that feel the most constructive and helpful are the things that are slower and a much more like, Yeah, sometimes the things that I put on my Instagram are like, you know, bendy and stuff, but there's also a lot of sitting and also just a lot of like being still. I'll try and post some more of that as well. But um, because, you know, it's, it's, it's about listening to what my body wants to do.
Kara Joshi (00:30:49) - I think that's the main thing is that I'm like, okay, today I really want to be upside down today. I really want to bend my leg today. I really want to do none of those things. I just want to sit still for ten minutes and that's like. I think the most helpful thing and and not questioning think as well because for ages I was like but why? Like why do I want to sit still? Is this something I need to look at and investigate? And it's like, I mean, you can, but also like.
Lauren Best (00:31:14) - Yeah, I.
Kara Joshi (00:31:15) - Feel like it's just my body giving me some feedback. And you don't always have to interrogate it. Like, it's like listening to a friend. Like you don't always have to be like, why? Why do you feel like that? You can just be there and listen and be like, okay, cool. We can just sit still. That's fine. Um, and that's something that I think I've only recently figured out in the last couple of years.
Lauren Best (00:31:37) - Yeah, Yeah. Well, that is like I was going to ask what kind of, you know, advice do you have for people who are listening who are really looking to begin that journey of self-forgiveness? And I think in this last, well, the whole conversation, but really this last little sentiment you left us with gave a lot of, you know, insight into how we can listen to our bodies and our minds and not always having to know all the answers. So thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, sharing your beautiful heart. And thank you so much.
Kara Joshi (00:32:11) - Oh, you're so welcome. Thank you so much for having me. It's been such a pleasure. And think this is such a wonderful platform and such a wonderful message that you're sharing with everyone. So I'm just super grateful to be a part of it.
Lauren Best (00:32:22) - Thank you. Because you've been listening to the show, I want to leave you with a little treat, which is one of my favorite hypnosis audios that will help you let go of the noise and worry from your everyday life by bringing you to a place where you can connect with your subconscious mind and imagine and dream about your life.
Lauren Best (00:32:43) - Because as we continue to move through ebbs and flows and seasons of our lives, there will likely be times where envisioning new possibilities becomes difficult or where we struggle to move out of that autopilot mode and into self-awareness to really live the lives that we want. So do listen to this audio. It will encourage you to keep dreaming about your life even during uncertain times where new possibilities may feel cloudy. Hypnosis has been such an amazing tool that I myself have used to move from a state of overwhelm and stuckness to really being able to keep dreaming about my life. And I know you can too. So visit the link below to download the Visualize a Life You Love Hypnosis Audio for free or visit my website. Lauren best.com. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey of exploring new possibilities and embracing your most authentic self. I appreciate you and your willingness to open your mind and your heart to new ideas and ways of being that are beyond your current reality. So if you found value in this episode, please take a moment to leave a reading and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to this podcast.
Lauren Best (00:34:05) - Your support helps us to spread the message of compassion, self discovery and personal growth to more people who may benefit from it. And if you're looking for additional support on your journey of self-discovery and transformation, I invite you to visit my website at Lauren Bascombe, where you'll find resources, courses and coaching services to help you navigate life's challenges with more ease and joy and confidence and support. So please check that out. And more than anything, I hope you'll remember that you're not alone on this journey. We are all in this together, and by embracing our most authentic selves, we can create more compassion and connection to the world. So please keep dreaming, keep exploring and keep provoking possibilities with love and intuition. I'll be back soon with more thought provoking questions, inspiring stories, and powerful insights and conversations to support you on your journey. But until then, take care of yourself and others and remember that you are worthy of love and possibility.