Provoking Possibilities

Creating Identity-First Branding with Jennifer Walter

Lauren Best

Have you ever felt like you’re outgrowing your brand and are stuck in this box that doesn’t allow you to evolve and play as your most authentic self? 

Brand / business owner or not… I am joined by the amazing Jennifer Walter who is Sociologist, certified NLP and Breakthrough Practitioner, and design-trained Rebranding Strategist, to chat about how blending strategy, design and mindset is the only sustainable way to build an identify-first brand that grows with you.

Jennifer is a brand strategist, designer and sociologist. With a whopping 15+ years of experience, she's a powerhouse in refining and revamping brands to perfection 🤌.

As a certified NLP practitioner with a background in graphic design and an MA in Sociology, Jennifer blends elements of personal healing and self-discovery with strategic sociological analysis and creative brand development.

Jennifer's work has gained international recognition during her time in branding agencies and corporate gigs. Now, she works with creative service providers like you to level up their brand game.

Rediscover. Realign. Rebrand.
Her unique approach blends self-discovery, a deep understanding of society, and major design skills. Resulting in daring, unapologetic brands that inspire lasting impact and community.

Based in Switzerland, she communicates loud and fast in English and German. She swears for emphasis in several other languages.

Connect with Jennifer


Lauren Best is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Provoker of Possibility. She works with Curious Individuals, Creative Entrepreneurs, and Conscious Companies who are ready to explore how they can do things differently in their work and life.

She creates spaces and experiences that share with them the tools to dive into a world of self-discovery and growth where they can unlock an even greater potential inside of themselves using their subconscious minds.

Lauren has collaborated with public and private sector organizations, small businesses and solopreneurs across the globe from Canada to the UK, Netherlands, Australia, The United States and Singapore to help these folks move through the noise, envision and come up with new ideas, and create bite-sized plans of action that support their desired area of transformation.





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Lauren Best (00:00:08) - Welcome to Provoking Possibilities, where we reflect on pivotal life moments, ask thought provoking questions, and dream up new possibilities for living a life you love that may be a little out of your current reality. I'm Lauren Best, a certified hypnotherapist and provoker of possibility, and I've created this podcast for people who are curious about exploring new ways of living, who are looking to connect deeper with their bodies, their intuition, their hearts, and then known and who are really ready to just embrace their most authentic selves, to move into flow and into alignment. There is just so much that is possible for us when we open ourselves up to exploring new possibilities beyond our wildest imagination. So if you're ready and curious to begin exploring new possibilities, join me every week for a new episode of Provoking Possibilities on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Let's dive in. I am so excited to return the interview, I guess to someone who has become a really big inspiration for me. Jennifer Waltzer I had the pleasure of being on her podcast last year, The Scenic Route Podcast, and now she's here and I can hardly believe it.

Lauren Best (00:01:30) - I need to, like, pinch myself because she's just so fabulous. She is a brand strategist, designer, sociologist, and has over 15 years of experience, and she's truly a powerhouse. She has redefined, refined, revamped, and works with folks and brands to really rebrand and create these brands to perfection in a way that is really authentic to them. And she combines a lot of her expertise in being a certified NLP practitioner with a background in graphic design, which is something really interesting that we both kind of connected on as design backgrounds, but also into this space of working with mindset. So it is so, so aligned to my heart as well. And Jennifer does such a tremendous job of blending elements of personal healing and self-discovery with really strategizing and using strategic sociological and analysis and creative brand development. And she has just done such an amazing job to help people rediscover, realign, rebrand, and using that unique approach that she does through self discovery, building that deep understanding of society and major design skills.

Lauren Best (00:02:47) - And this brings folks and brands to a place where they're very daring and unapologetic and really inspire their communities and leave that lasting impact. And she's joining us all the way from Switzerland, which is very cool. I almost was so close to her this summer, but we didn't get the chance to. Yes, but I'm so excited to have you because we're I feel like we're soul sisters who just come so close to each other in the world, but we're going to make it in person one day. But yes. Joining me for now over, over zoom. Jennifer, thank you so much for joining me.

Jennifer Walter (00:03:25) - Oh, I'm so excited. And I feel like a super celebrity now. Thank you for the wonderful words. Like, okay, if I ever I know who's going to write my eulogy. Oh my gosh. Yes. What a bummer. Like we you were in Paris, right? And you were traveling to Italy or. Yeah, actually, a.

Lauren Best (00:03:45) - Friend of mine, we went to this wedding in Lake Como, and she didn't get off the train and Lake Como, so she did end up in Switzerland, because there are so many people trying to push onto the train that she couldn't get off.

Lauren Best (00:03:58) - And there was her and quite a few others.

Jennifer Walter (00:04:00) - Oh my God. And I get.

Lauren Best (00:04:01) - Why? Because I.

Jennifer Walter (00:04:03) - Had.

Lauren Best (00:04:04) - Crazy train stories in Italy trying to get on missing trains. I get why everyone was trying to get on, because if you don't get on there, even if they're waiting there, they're not going to let you on the train. So I was sad it wasn't me who made it to Switzerland. Maybe I could have done a pit stop to see you.

Jennifer Walter (00:04:19) - So yeah, yeah, it's just so wild. Whenever, like, I talked to people from Canada or the States and they're like, I'm like, oh, like Lake Como. You've been like three hours away from where I live. It's like, well, but I was in Italy. Yeah, yeah, I know, but I have like three hours from where I live. It's like three hours to Milan, four hours to Paris, a to Berlin, like, my gosh, by train or car. Right. Like make it fly time.

Jennifer Walter (00:04:49) - So it's like. Yeah. So the weekends in our 20s, remember, like when the like, design school was sometimes it was like on Saturday morning like introduction to Design theory was Saturday morning. It was super interesting. But I mean Saturday morning was brutal. Yeah. And and sometimes on Friday night we were like, you know what? You know what would be really awesome? Like what? You know, like, see the sun like, see the sun go up over like the Mediterranean Sea. Yes. Okay. Let's go, let's go to Italy. So we would drive to Italy overnight and then like, drive back like crazy stuff like that that you can only do in Europe, I suppose.

Lauren Best (00:05:31) - But if I did that from Winnipeg, where I'm in Canada, I would end up in Fargo.

Jennifer Walter (00:05:39) - And I don't know, is it a nice place? But it's.

Lauren Best (00:05:42) - Not the Mediterranean Sea, that's for.

Jennifer Walter (00:05:44) - Sure. Well, maybe you get to some nice lake or something. I don't know, I've never been to many back.

Jennifer Walter (00:05:50) - I've been to Canada, but I've never been to Winnipeg. So, yeah, we.

Lauren Best (00:05:53) - Do have many beautiful lakes. You're right. So.

Jennifer Walter (00:05:56) - Yes. Yes you do.

Lauren Best (00:05:58) - Yeah. Well, I'm so excited to really chat to you about this idea of identity first branding, because I know that is your philosophy. See, that is how you really blend, you know, strategy, design and mindset together. So how did you get from a place of, you know, really building your your identity as well as your own brand to being like, this is what I need to share. This is what I need to work with people to really do is create that identity first. Branding. What does that look like for you?

Jennifer Walter (00:06:34) - Good question. So first off, I'd say. Building your identity is never done right. I always say branding is like plugging your eyebrows. The work is never done right because you are growing, your evolving, and I want your brand and your business to be reflective of this growth you're doing.

Jennifer Walter (00:06:57) - Because growth and change is fucking hard and you can be proud of that. And I want this to reflect, to be reflected. Right. Because. Imagine you still where? I don't know, you wouldn't wear a dress you've outgrown. Whether that be like, physically or like psychologically, you wouldn't want to wear it. You would be like, oh, no, oh belongs in the past. So why would you do that with your brand? It doesn't make sense to me. So you're always kind of shifting and. That is. If you lay the solid foundations for your brand, most especially your brand strategy, it allows for future growth. It allows to shift and adapt. Right? Because also, yes, some of your core values might stay the same. Or may not, which is fine. But if you lay if you really lay the foundation properly, if you do the work, you have something that grows with you, right? I always kind of like refer to the difference between like haute couture and I don't know, something high street.

Jennifer Walter (00:08:11) - Right. Haute couture fits you, is tailor to you, is bespoke. It will fit you for like all seasons, all years. Whereas High Street might go out of fashion, it's made poorly. It will fall apart after a few washes. Yeah. So so that's kind of that's kind of said to dad and. How? The way I kind of came about was, was twofold. One was when I was working through rebrands with my clients, I'm, I'm always the one asking the why question, right. Like, why do you want why do you set that goal? Why do you want to do this? Why do you believe x, y, z? Which if you don't feel comfortable asking a lot of y questions, you should not ever work with me. But it's like I realized, oh, okay. Like I this is just the part we need to understand of who you are to make something that's more than just pretty, right? I can make you a pretty broad, but we want pretty and depth.

Jennifer Walter (00:09:24) - We want something meaningful. Not just like, I don't know, another cute set of colors or something, but something that truly is meaningful to you and I like. I realized later on that my when I learned about human design that I'm a projector, which made a lot of sense, but I didn't notice at the time. I've just realized from feedback I've gotten from my clients, there was a lot of the most of that feedback. Was along the lines of oh, you like you, you truly see my colors. You truly see me for who I am. Like along those lines. And I'm like, yeah, this is so true. Like, I this sounds very rude and weird ish, right? But it's like I'm a.

Lauren Best (00:10:15) - Projector as well actually. So. Yeah.

Jennifer Walter (00:10:17) - Right. So I, I see, I see people for who they are and for who they could be, but I don't like I cannot tell people who they are supposed to be. Right. People have to find that out with me.

Jennifer Walter (00:10:35) - Yes, I can work them through it. I can coach with them on that. But they need to know, right? It has to be inside out. It's not. Right. Like, oh, you're hired is Pansy brand strategist. And she's telling you now you're like, I don't know, this brand archetype or whatever. I don't know. I don't think that's very that's going to make you very happy long term. Um, so it kind of came to that, right? Really that I'm like, oh yeah, I. I do kind of see people and in a different way, and it's like the mirror I'm holding up and it reflects back, their light reflects back to them and asks you, as with light, right? You you don't you can't see light itself. You can only see it reflected back of things. Um hmm. So I'm kind of like that. Mars flights reflect back on and they're like, oh. I never looked at this this way, or I never thought that I could do this or.

Jennifer Walter (00:11:48) - Whatever. Like all these weird things that you're telling yourself that you can't or can't do. Hmm. That's just like.

Lauren Best (00:11:58) - Well, because as a projector. And I'm a projector, too. And for anyone who's not familiar with human design, I did a great podcast with the Stephanie Zhang, which you can go back and listen to. But, you know, as projectors, we're here to guide people and ask the right questions. And like we can see things, but it is about, you know, not telling someone who they are or what they should do, but really creating that space for them to have that introspection so that they can discover these things, you know, back inside themselves. So I think, you know, as you mentioned, that, like, it truly is a superpower of a projector. And with that comes, you know, these questions aren't just any questions. They're unique questions that we're able to, you know, just identify or download. You know, based on on the individuals that we're actually speaking with.

Lauren Best (00:12:53) - So I think that's something to as well, just to share with anyone who hasn't is doesn't know about human design like your human designer because it is phenomenal. And is that any like do you actually when you work with any clients, is that something you've ever, you know, thought about working in or do work in to, to creating that brand? Or are you using mostly, you know, with those questions, your intuition and just what it is that you see in your own, your own power?

Jennifer Walter (00:13:24) - That's a that's a good question. Um, so I use NLP and the coaching aspect of my branding work and the mindset part, because that's part of building a strong, solid foundation is your mind. Um, and it is. Intuition guided for sure. Like, I'm really curious if this resonates with you with within your body and where it resonates. Um, I've never used human design as a tool per se, because I'm not. It's not a modality. I'm I don't know, I feel comfortable in applying because I'm not trained.

Jennifer Walter (00:14:05) - I'm just incredibly curious. And I thought it really insightful for some aspects to me. Right. And ask on my intake for my ask people, hey, do you know your Instagram? You're a Meyer Briggs, your human design, whatever. And funny enough, most of my clients are either projectors themselves like I am, like we are or generators.

Lauren Best (00:14:27) - Yeah. Wow.

Jennifer Walter (00:14:28) - That's super interesting. I'm like, I don't know why I attract generators, but hey, here we are. Um, so so that's that in, in the sense of the modality I use, it's. It's called. It's a different modality. It's called what I love to use is called aura Soma. So it's basically the the learning of colors. So like you would pick it's similar to like an Oracle card reading for example. Right.

Lauren Best (00:14:59) - These are I've never heard of this. I'm just like so.

Jennifer Walter (00:15:04) - They're like these little colored bottles basically. Well it's the whole concept is that you choose colors that resonate with your being at a certain time.

Jennifer Walter (00:15:14) - Yeah. So it's similar like pulling Oracle cards. You would pull colors. But the difference is I'm not pulling Oracle. When you get an Oracle card reading someone is pulling usually pulling the cards for you, whereas with the colors you let you choose them yourself. You really let your intuition choose the colors. Yeah. Um, so not to confuse that with oh, okay. If I pick that color, that's going to be my new brand color. Not necessarily, but but it can give you an insight on what current challenges you're facing or what your soul's purpose could be. Wow.

Lauren Best (00:15:57) - So fascinating.

Jennifer Walter (00:15:59) - Really? Yeah. So if you're a color person and I'm like a color person, like, color is my I don't know. That's my thing. Like thinking about the right color palettes. That's that's my thing. So if you, if color is something that resonates with you. Yes, like look into it. I think it's super amazing. Like it goes into kind of color, color healing color, energy kind of sphere.

Jennifer Walter (00:16:25) - It's a really, really interesting modality. So I kind of blend all of this. Together with my. I am always I still feel this is like when we play like, but this you get this, I see colors.

Lauren Best (00:16:46) - I'm like, I'm like, I'm not sure, but yes, I do like.

Jennifer Walter (00:16:48) - Yes, yes you do. Lauren I'm no you will. You do know colors. When I tune into people I see colors. Yeah. So. It's blended. Everything. This is blended in. Together with strategy, right? You need strategy. But strategy alone is isn't isn't it right? If I mean, and I'm sure most of you listening know this, because at one point you sign up for this freebie, you sign up for this online course. You did all the work. But the result was like, no donut, nothing. Right. And the strategy was there was that as you worked for some and for others, it didn't. It's not a strategy fault. It's also not your fault.

Jennifer Walter (00:17:36) - No, it's just a part of the puzzle. Yeah.

Lauren Best (00:17:40) - Yeah. And I know you you know, we've had similar journeys of like, being in design, having these design backgrounds and then going through these journeys of, you know, personal healing, self-discovery. And I don't think we've ever talked about this though, too, but you had like, you're obviously an expert in NLP, and that's a tool that you use within your practice when it comes to the mindset piece. Is that something that you started doing after design school and after your master's in sociology?

Jennifer Walter (00:18:14) - Like where did you.

Lauren Best (00:18:15) - Find this missing piece? Because I always think of the mindset piece as well as this missing piece of the puzzle of like you can design the best strategy, the best strategy in air quotes. Yeah, yeah. And you know, but without that mindset, it really is just another strategy, right? It's not something where you can necessarily take that aligned action or build that sustainable brand or sustainable business. So what was that like for you? You know, integrating that or learning NLP and really that being another puzzle piece for you.

Jennifer Walter (00:18:49) - Um, it's really interesting, right? First, when I look back first, what's the design. Right. I'm a trained designer. I want to design school. Um, and I realized, okay, I'm doing all these, like, nice layouts and flyers and magazines and stuff like that, but it it's just it's just pretty, right? There's. I want to know more about why I'm doing what I'm doing. Um. God led me to do a master's in communication, like a bachelor first and sociology and communication research, and then a master's in sociology, because it really was like, okay, what can I do? To guide like to in branding, right when it boils down to branding as a people's business. Regardless of whatever industry, B2B, B2C be to whatever. It's the people's business. Yeah. So you've got to have an understanding of people, and especially when it comes to trust, right? Your business will be successful regardless of what you're doing. When you know how to create, cultivate and hold trust.

Jennifer Walter (00:19:59) - Right? Because people need to trust in whatever you're serving, whatever you're offering. They need to trust you that you can deliver what you're promising in your marketing, that whatever that the product you're selling is delivering what they want from it. It boils down to trust. So sociology is the only discipline that actually looks at from a scientific point of view. How can we build trust? What does build trust? And it was only later on when I. So back in 2017, I ditched corporate. I was working for international companies, branding agencies and so on, and then I ditched corporate and started working with more, more small businesses on single entrepreneurs. And especially when working with female entrepreneurs, I realised there is something missing I need to. Kind of like, it's almost like they need some sort of prep work before they can start with me most effectively and efficiently. And that is. That is kind of like the mindset piece, right? Because so many we're so especially a few people have been raised and conditioned as women feel like I have this so many of these like burdens and expectations and good daughter, bad daughter, good wife, bad wife.

Jennifer Walter (00:21:34) - Have. We often don't don't hear our own truth anymore. Yeah. And what is true for us and what we. What we want and. And we. Then we started to create this. Oh, this is not for me. I can never do this or these weird, arbitrary definitions of okay, I am successful if I reach 100 K a year, a month, a week, whatever. Like that was all these things. But I'm like, if I'm like throwing strategy at it like spaghetti to the wall, it will not stick because the foundation isn't ready. The garden isn't ready for the seeds, right? I don't know, that's how it felt. Oh no.

Lauren Best (00:22:26) - It totally makes sense because that's something that, you know, I had to go through it when I started my business was like, yeah, I'm like, I've designed these strategies for other businesses. Why? Why can't I do it for myself? And it was that like big mindset piece of not trusting myself and always having someone in the past tell me I should do something differently because they had their own perspective or own experience.

Lauren Best (00:22:55) - And there was those stories of my instincts perhaps not being the right thing or being what is expected of me, like you mentioned, or, you know, just not fitting in to other. Yeah.

Jennifer Walter (00:23:10) - Or where we're not allowed to take up space. Yes. We were always told to, I don't know. Smile more or don't talk so loud or whatever. I mean, I don't know the count of the times I heard I shouldn't talk. So like, I would be like, I don't know, I'd be a fucking millionaire. No. It's insane. It is. I don't know, it's my boys. Deal with it.

Lauren Best (00:23:34) - Exactly. And so, you know, with that, like in your practice, like, people might be like think too and have these ideas of what branding is and what you're doing is so much more than that. And it is this blend of that strategy, that design, that mindset that is empowering people. I would say, to build these sustainable brands that grow with them.

Lauren Best (00:24:01) - And so, you know, I really loved how you gave that example. Well, you're first off the analogy, Queen, I have to say, I mean, you are an NLP practitioner, so it makes sense. But I was like, oh, I love these analogies. But you had mentioned previously, like the eyebrow analogy, I'm just like, you're never done plucking your eyebrows and maybe you don't. Some like, maybe you leave them wild for a little bit, but here and there, you know, there's going to be ones that grow that you need to tend to. But how that reflects into, you know, building these identity first brands that change with your identity, I think is something that is important that more people are aware of because our identities do change. And I think as for myself as a female entrepreneur, and when I first started my business, it was like this identity crisis of I'm moving from being a service designer. But before that I was a product and furniture designer, and before that I was a communication designer.

Lauren Best (00:25:04) - And so what am I now? And it was like these labels and this identity thing that was so consuming, but I had to go through a process of also grieving past identities and myself realizing grown. And so to know and change that mindset around like there's not one identity that you're going to just have from here on out that you have to find and then stick with, is a big deal to realize. Like, you'll keep growing, you'll keep grieving, you'll keep expanding. And so I think that's really important for people to realize, too. And even female entrepreneurs who are struggling with that identity crisis, like you don't have to, you know, have like create this brand for yourself and be like, stuck in it like a box because that's what you've come up with. Right? So yeah.

Jennifer Walter (00:25:55) - Yeah, that's that's why I usually turn down. All inquiries from from people who are kind of like starting out. There are very few exceptions, like one exception I did for someone who had previously owned a business, and now she was doing something different, so she kind of like knew what she was into.

Jennifer Walter (00:26:18) - But. But the point is right, especially at the beginning when you start your business, you don't need all the bells and whistles of like a full brand identity. You don't even know if the business you're doing, if the service you're providing, if you're actually like doing it, doing this as a business. Mm hmm. So instead of, like, throwing a lot of money, why recommend what's good enough? Start. Start exploring if your offer is actually selling or if it's not. Where is the misalignment? Is your messaging of do people not get what, like what you're about to do or like? Are you not getting in front of the right people? Like, what is it? And only, and usually after one to 3 or 4 years, whatever. When you're like, okay, I got this. I like what I'm doing. I'm booked out. There often comes this shift from service provider. To brand business right when you're like, oh, actually, I'm more than just a service provider or a freelancer.

Jennifer Walter (00:27:30) - I actually, I want to start build a brand that does some of the heavy lifting when it comes to inquire, like getting in front of new people, getting my books filled, whatever. So it's usually at the crossroads of when you start to work on your business instead of just in your business.

Speaker 3 (00:27:53) - Mm hmm.

Lauren Best (00:27:55) - Which is interesting because sometimes that's how it starts in the beginning, is like people working on their business and not yet in their business. So maybe it's like this wave right where you're you're at this like, it's like another cycle of growth. Really?

Jennifer Walter (00:28:15) - Yes. Um. Yes, I mean yes. I'm always curious, though. If. You're working on your business but don't have a business yet. I'm always just really curious. Like I'm almost like, tell me more. Because often I found that people are like, oh. You know, I got to do this, like qualification course first, okay? Or I got to have, like my website first, or there's always something like I have like, if then I have something, I have to have this first so I can tell myself, okay, I am ready for, for doing business.

Jennifer Walter (00:29:04) - And that's, that's a tricky game to play.

Lauren Best (00:29:09) - And that's.

Jennifer Walter (00:29:10) - Why I think.

Lauren Best (00:29:10) - Like the mindset piece is important because I see that a lot. Right. And I see a lot of people and I was there to, you know, however many no.

Jennifer Walter (00:29:20) - No like no blame, no shame. We've all been there or most of us have been there.

Lauren Best (00:29:25) - Right? I'm just working on it instead of in it. So then there becomes that shift, right of like, well.

Jennifer Walter (00:29:31) - Of course it's safe, right?

Lauren Best (00:29:33) - It's yeah, it's safe.

Jennifer Walter (00:29:34) - You're like, oh, I could redo. Like I could create another cool Canva template. I'm busy. Right. Yeah. Instead of reaching out to people, you know. And then might. Realize they're not interested or like it's hard to put skin in the game. It's tough. Like fear of rejection, fear of failure. If you're of like, yeah, ooh, right. So of course like it's nicer to I don't know, keep busy with doing another Canva template.

Jennifer Walter (00:30:11) - Yeah. But you gotta tune in to yourself and learn more about yourself. What is kind of like the energy behind it? Like, do you really? Sometimes, yes. You really need to work on your Canva templates. Fair enough. Yeah, sometimes. You actually should rather be doing something else. Yeah, absolutely.

Lauren Best (00:30:34) - I know we don't talk about this enough as well. Is that. You know that this this balance. Think of. And of, you know, doing and being and you know, we find ourselves stuck in that doing like you just mentioned a lot. And so I wanted to just, you know, find out from you what are some ways like with, you know, being a creative person and a strategic person, which I can relate to as well. Like how do you find that balance in your own, whether it's your own brand or the way you work with clients? Like what has that experience look like for you?

Jennifer Walter (00:31:16) - Oh, yeah. This is so true. We spend so much time in doing phase, instead of the chest being phase like it's insane.

Jennifer Walter (00:31:32) - And. I always kind of like. If in conversation, you can tell if they're in kind of like being or if they're doing kind of. Season. And one thing. I love to kind of, like, snap people out of the doing. Is. Like come back to curiosity and play. Mhm. Right. Just being curious about what happens. Like treating as treated as an experiment. Treat it as play. Right. I think recently I read a study that said if you learn if you want to learn something, you have to repeat it like 30 to 40 times. And if you learn it through play, you only have to repeat it like 7 to 10 times, which is insane, which is insane. So that's why children are learning so fast. It's insane. Yeah, not not just that, but also like but so. And that said, um. Maybe you have to start a step before curiosity and play because it's super easy to say, oh, just have fun. Just be curious if if you're like, well fed and have a roof over your head, right? That's super easy.

Jennifer Walter (00:32:56) - Sad. Um, and sometimes that might not be your reality. You might go from your paycheck. You're not and you're not sure of like where your next money is coming in, whatever. So creating safety for yourself comes first. And I don't care if the safety. Is coming from your business, or from your corporate job, or from a side gig, or from, I mean, heck, I won. I remember one Christmas I did the Christmas rush at Lush Cosmetics just because I knew I had to get my nervous system, my being safe from money worries because I know I can't function when I'm like, oh, I'm what? What if if this Instagram post is not going to land me a client like that energy never were. No.

Lauren Best (00:33:52) - No. But we've all been there, right? Like, yeah. So real.

Jennifer Walter (00:33:56) - Of course this is real, right? Like, and I'm telling you for real, I was, I was working at lush and it was amazing. It was I learned a lot about selling.

Jennifer Walter (00:34:04) - It was cool. It was fun. And it got a ton of lush freebies. Hey, I'm good. I'm like, yes, you're right. Was it what I wanted to do? No. Like. But at the same time I was cool with doing that for, for, for I think it was two months or something. Yeah. No. Okay. That will give me what I need to focus on what I want to do on curiosity and play. Right. Um, and sometimes, yeah, you have to start a step before that. Yeah. You need to know in your journey where you're at and some are, I don't know, some worked hard and now can just go into curiosity, play somewhere lucky and go into curiosity and play. It's always, it's always, it's always circling right then. Whenever you're kind of stuck or whenever you're feeling, oh, I'm not. I'm just doing, doing, doing. I'm doing busywork without actually moving the needle. Introspection. Curiosity at play.

Jennifer Walter (00:35:09) - Yeah.

Lauren Best (00:35:10) - Well, you have it, everyone. Curiosity. Interest. There you go. This is the perfect part to share with everyone as well, Jennifer, how people can find you and work with you.

Jennifer Walter (00:35:23) - Um, well, I hang out mostly on Instagram and TikTok, so feel free to come hang with me there. Um, obviously you're more than welcome to listen to the podcast. You can also catch up on the episode with Lauren. Um, basically we we talk all things slow and steady wins the race. In a nutshell, we talk about obviously we're very big against anti hostile anti-capitalist business tactics. Just building your own way in a way that suits you. So feel free to join in. China's there. Um and if you're like oh okay. I really like this intuitive approach is inside out approach to branding this identity align branding. You're more than welcome to sign up for my Build Your Magnetic Brand in five days for free email course. You could just every day you get an email into your inbox very conveniently that asks you a lot of those questions.

Jennifer Walter (00:36:26) - You're like, yeah, do I really want to answer that? Answer is yes, you do. Journaling prompts affirmations. Some theories, some real insightful nuggets to kind of like, discover and tap into your unique frequency.

Lauren Best (00:36:45) - Oh, amazing. Thank you so much, Jennifer. I am so excited to bring this little treat to you because right now I am offering a buy one get one offer for my private Hypnosis Happy hour sessions, which for two sessions is just $222, which is the price of one session on its own. So right now you can buy one, get one for the price of one, just $222 for two sessions. And within these hypnosis happy hour sessions, we can focus on whatever it is you want to show up with, whether you have a goal in mind or some sort of desire, and you feel like there's just blocks and limiting beliefs that are stopping you from actually going out there and following your intuition, or whether you're struggling to manage your time, your energy to set boundaries, or want to just show up in the world a little bit differently than what you are right now.

Lauren Best (00:37:42) - We can also figure out how to connect back to your intuition a little more, listen to the whispers of your mind, and do some work with your nervous system and just feeling comfortable and safe in your body. We can focus on letting go of old stories, rewriting your beliefs, reprogramming those beliefs, and just really visualizing what your idea of success could look like in whatever it is you're going through at the moment. So do know that there will be a limited amount available, but you can book these sessions all the way through to the end of the year. So right now you can visit my website, Lauren, at and book those session through there, or follow the link below, and you can get access directly to that Bogo offer for Private Hypnosis Happy hour, which will be two sessions for $222. So make sure you don't miss out. And I cannot wait to support you to really connect to your subconscious mind and see where the session might take you. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey of exploring new possibilities and embracing your most authentic self.

Lauren Best (00:38:54) - I appreciate you and your willingness to open your mind and your heart to new ideas and ways of being that are beyond your current reality. So if you found value in this episode, please take a moment to leave a reading and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to this podcast. Your support helps us to spread the message of compassion, self-discovery, and personal growth to more people who may benefit from it. And if you're looking for additional support on your journey of self-discovery and transformation, I invite you to visit my website at Lauren Bascombe, where you'll find resources, courses, and coaching services to help you navigate life's challenges with more ease and joy and confidence and support. So please check that out. And more than anything, I hope you'll remember that you're not alone on this journey. We are all in this together, and by embracing our most authentic selves, we can create more compassion and connection to the world. So please keep dreaming, keep exploring, and keep provoking possibilities with love and intuition. I'll be back soon with more thought provoking questions, inspiring stories, and powerful insights and conversations to support you on your journey.

Lauren Best (00:40:07) - But until then, take care of yourself and others and remember that you are worthy of love and possibility.

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