Provoking Possibilities

A Conversation on Designing Lives and Businesses with Ruha Ratnam

Lauren Best Episode 27

Ready to uncover the secrets of intentional living and authentic entrepreneurship?

In this episode, I'm joined by Ruha Ratnam, a brand strategist and website designer, in a conversation that delves deep into the intricate elements that have shaped Ruha's entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing the pivotal role of a strong mindset, unwavering commitment to personal values, and her ability to identify what truly resonates as a strong "yes" or a clear "no."

We explore how she has successfully navigated the complexities of designing a life that authentically aligns with her principles. By surrounding herself with like-minded individuals, Ruha has found a source of inspiration, encouragement, and shared wisdom that has contributed to the authenticity and success of her business, The Designist Studio.

Ruha Ratnam is a brand strategist and website designer, and the founder of The Designist Studio. She wants more business owners to feel confident showing up as the face of their brand by being uniquely themselves (even if they feel like introverts), so that they can build their authority, grow their audience, and consistently attract their best-fit clients.

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Lauren Best is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Provoker of Possibility. She works with Curious Individuals, Creative Entrepreneurs,  and Conscious Companies who are ready to explore how they can do things differently in their work and life.

She creates spaces and experiences that share with them the tools to dive into a world of self-discovery and growth where they can unlock an even greater potential inside of themselves using their subconscious minds.

Lauren has collaborated with public and private sector organizations, small businesses and solopreneurs across the globe from Canada to the UK, Netherlands, Australia, The United States and Singapore to help folks move through the noise, envision and come up with new ideas, and create bite-sized plans of action that support their desired area of transformation.





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Lauren Best (00:00:08) - Welcome to Provoking Possibilities, where we reflect on pivotal life moments, ask dot provoking questions and dream up new possibilities for living a life you love that may be a little out of your current reality. I'm Lauren Best, a certified hypnotherapist and provoker of possibility, and I've created this podcast for people who are curious about exploring new ways of living, who are looking to connect deeper with their bodies, their intuition, their hearts, and then known and who are really ready to just embrace their most authentic selves, to move into flow and into alignment. There is just so much that is possible for us when we open ourselves up to exploring new possibilities beyond our wildest imagination. So if you're ready and curious to begin exploring new possibilities, join me every week for a new episode of Provoking Possibilities on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Let's dive in! Hi everyone! I am so excited! I have Ruha Ratnam joining me who has become a really special person in my life as of late because we've just connected on so many levels and she is a brand strategist and website designer, also the founder of Design Studio and like me, really is through her work empowering so many business owners to feel confident in showing up and really be the face of their brand.

Lauren Best (00:01:37) - That's really what she does best and really helps people to show up and encourage them to show up authentically and uniquely as themselves, which can be really scary. Think for a lot of people who are coming into business, or for those folks who feel like they're super introverted, this is something I struggled with so much in the beginning of starting my business, of how I could show up authentically and feeling like, because I'm a bit more introverted in some ways, that it felt this like this impossible hurdle to get over. But she's really, really supporting people to do that and helping them to build their brands authentically with authority, grow their audience, and consistently attract their best fit clients. Which I know is all about that alignment and that energetic magnetism and attraction. So thank you so much for joining me. I can't wait to get in to. What we both really love to do is design our lives and how, you know, that is a part of getting to be a business owner. So thank you so much for joining me.

Ruha Ratnam (00:02:41) - Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited to talk about this with you.

Lauren Best (00:02:45) - And it's really interesting to and kind of planted the seed in the beginning how we've like more recently, you know, connected with each other and you know, had met in a different community. Think like a year before I reached out and reconnected with you. And it's something that I know we've talked a little bit about in the, you know, more recently about community and how that has been a really important part of both our businesses and our lives. But I really want to, you know, even start off on that note, because that's how we originally connected was through another community. But for you, I'd love to hear you know, what has. Community meant to you and how like, how has that been so important for you to really design your life and your business in a way that that you know, does feel good and allows you to, like, show up within yourself, but also like that brand essence that you do have as a business owner? And yeah, how has the community been so impactful for you in that way?

Ruha Ratnam (00:03:50) - Um, let me share a little context.

Ruha Ratnam (00:03:52) - So I grew up in Malaysia. Spend the first 20 years of my life there and then deliberately, intentionally uprooted myself. Wanted to put myself in a place that was very different from what was comfortable with I was real, didn't want to end up somewhere at a university in a town where, you know, surrounded by other Malaysians complaining about how homesick we were and how much we missed the food and our families, and if was going to leave home, I wanted to. Fully appreciate what was, you know, my surroundings and the people around me and just the enjoy the experiences and ended up in a small town in Newfoundland. Um, and, you know, moving from a large city to this small place where was outdoors all the time, my community looked very different because I was in a, I was in a visual arts program, was learning to be training to be an artist, and thought I was going to be an artist for the rest of my life. But then, of course, I left that small town after I graduated and found myself in a completely unrelated industry and built built a network of contacts and friends and peers and colleagues in that industry.

Ruha Ratnam (00:04:58) - And when I left that industry because it was very unhealthy for me and I knew I wasn't, I felt like I was missing something, wasn't fulfilling my potential, even though I enjoyed the work itself. Um, I felt like cut. Not that I burned any bridges, but suddenly I was. I was very focused on creating this life that was more meaningful to me that, you know, it wasn't about creating more happiness, but, um, pursuing things that meant that meant something to me. And that was fulfilling, fulfilling for me, but also allowed me to create impact in ways that that I wanted to and is beneficial to the people around me, in the community, around me. But of course, I was no longer in this industry where built up all of these contacts, have no family here, and all of my friends had left because they had come here for school and had left for work elsewhere. Um, and when I started my business. I found myself in this little bubble. Where? Didn't know anyone and didn't have industry contacts because my business is not something I went to school for.

Ruha Ratnam (00:06:05) - I just pulled I really designed a career for myself and. And the first. Moment I remember feeling this, this intense relief that that maybe made them right. Move was that when I found this online community, the same community where I met you, the forum, and had people to interact with and, you know, it's just a very supportive, warm, giving, very generous community. And it suddenly felt like they made the right move there. There more than other people out there who want to do similar things, even if it's not in the same way. And it just felt like a little confirmation that. I'd taken the right step. This wasn't a big mistake after all, and I was going to be able to make it work.

Lauren Best (00:06:53) - Yeah. And you've had other people, like you said, doing very different things, but with that same intention of pursuing really purposeful and meaningful work that they too were like also making up as they went, which is really fun because on one end, without that community that can feel super scary and isolating and just like, am I doing the right thing and just hearing how you found that acknowledgement of like, okay, this is the right thing for me.

Lauren Best (00:07:20) - Like, I, I am in a space now where I feel more confident in like what I've created for myself. You know, that can be the difference between like, persevering and continuing on to continue to grow a business and just giving up because it can really without that community or seeing other people, you know, paving their own way or creating their own path. It can be really scary and it can feel like, okay, well, why hasn't anything worked yet? Or, you know, I'm not sure where this road is taking me, but did you find to like, you know, finding that community? Was it one of those things where you felt like, okay, yes. I might not have all the answers yet, but I know I don't have to do it alone.

Ruha Ratnam (00:08:11) - Yes, absolutely. And think that's what everyone around me was experiencing too. And whether you're, you know, you're going, you're starting your own business or you're just choosing to live your life in a way that maybe breaks the norm, you know, you're challenging expectations or boundaries or whatever it is you're doing.

Ruha Ratnam (00:08:31) - You're choosing to live your life the way that you want to, rather than just the way that everyone expects you to. Or you're choosing to build a business or a career, or just do things in a way that maybe no one. In a lot of cases, people around you are not doing the same thing. It's helpful to know that there are other people around me who are also interested in in forging their own path, where even if I'm on this path alone, there's someone else who's trying to do something similar, and we can exchange notes and and that's that's okay. That's I, I feel less alone.

Lauren Best (00:09:05) - Um, yeah. And I'm curious too, because you, you know, started off training as an artist. And obviously what you do as a designer is very much artistic. And there is there can be that like blur or like there is that overlap of design and art. And, you know, creativity is really like what is encompassed by both. But were there any like little whispers when you were, you know, studying art where you found yourself like pulled towards this space of like design and branding or websites like, what was that journey like for you to really, like trust in yourself or try new things or just feel like, okay, I can do something different.

Ruha Ratnam (00:09:49) - For me, it was. I think was always and there were so many things I was interested in. Wanted to be an architect. I want you to be a fashion designer, you know, was always the creative part of it I was less worried about. But I was also always trying to problem solve. Mean I loved my science classes and math classes because there was a, you know, yes, there were formulas and there were there were there's sort of this, this foundation that you have in these limitations, really, that you build around you. And then within that, there's this problem solving aspect that I thrive in. Um, and in art school, I ended up I learned a lot of the more traditional crafts, really. So I was doing printmaking and sculpture and painting and was good at those things. But what I really liked working with were ideas. So just take an idea. And, you know, it was working with concepts essentially. How do I have this like beautiful idea or it's not an image, but it's really a concept that I want to convey to people, and I want to allow people to have conversation around it.

Ruha Ratnam (00:10:50) - How do I translate that into something they can interact with, whether it's something they touch or see? So I used to do all of these like, um, my, my graduating, my graduation piece was this maze that you had to walk into a room. You can see anything outside these really tall walls. And, um, there were elements. There were pieces in there that would. React to your movement through that space and the sounds that you made. And so people would really engage with it and it would engage in return. And so things like that were really fun for me. So it's very different from like painting on a piece of canvas. And but then I mentioned I was in this industry and I was in retail management for almost a decade and learned a lot there, too. It was so completely in some ways, you know, a lot of people assume that it's not creative at all, but there was a lot of different kinds of problem solving, and I learned the business side of things.

Ruha Ratnam (00:11:51) - I learned the marketing side of things. And so being able to draw on that when started my own business was really, really helpful. So in a way, it kind of made for this perfect. Yeah. Marriage. Right. Where there's the artistic and creative side and like some of the design problem solving. And then on the other hand, it's it's the marketing and business side. So can run my own business and can help other people figure out how to, to grow their businesses.

Lauren Best (00:12:17) - Yeah. And you know what? Like because I, we we kind of both also didn't study art, but I studied design and through that realized like problem solving and, you know, design thinking was super exciting for me. And and realizing like, not only can solve a problem, but I can create an experience for someone. And it seems like for you that was very similar of like being able to create these experiences for people that not only solved a problem, but like allowed them to have fun or enjoy or, you know, in retail, probably.

Lauren Best (00:12:54) - And that's funny because, um, I didn't I mean, didn't really work in retail, but in hospitality was, you know, my background for a long time. And it is about creating those experiences for people that whether it's connecting to the certain brand you're working with or just like having these memorable moments for them that really are designed and can be so intentional that really like provoke that emotion or bring some sense of enjoyment to their lives. Like that's, you know, a pattern obviously, that that has been seen or that you have experienced throughout all of your experiences and that you've just now brought into a new world in a different way. Right? So I think it's really powerful to see and hear and look back on these, you know, different phases in your life and really look at, okay, what was I doing no matter how I was doing it or what I was doing? It was about, you know, designing with such intention these experiences that do provoke possibility, that do provoke joy and love or whatever it may be.

Lauren Best (00:14:03) - So I think it's really interesting to see how folks who are designers, like, you know, we really are able to and think anyone can do this is like use whatever experience we're creating to provoke that, that design, but also provoke so much like love and enjoyment in the world. And so it's really cool to see how, yes, someone might not think retail is like that connected, but truly it really, really is. And it can be. And it can all weave together so beautifully in many different ways. Not just like the technical practical, like how to run a business, but that problem solving, that design, that like interwoven experience. So I love that you shared that, because it really, I think, allows people to also see, you know, I might be doing this, but if there is a piece of this that I do really like, like maybe I can do that in a different way, maybe the what or the how can change, but I can still keep at the core of what I'm doing, this enjoyment and this experience or creation of whatever form that may be.

Lauren Best (00:15:17) - So I love that that example of just, you know, looking at those, those phases in your life and how they all really connect in such a beautiful way. It's so wonderful. So, you know, with that as well. I'm really curious to learn about how, you know, now coming to this place of being a business owner. Like, what was that like to take that first step out of this career you had for a decade to be like, okay, I'm, you know, I want to try creating experience in a different way or problem solving in a different way.

Ruha Ratnam (00:15:57) - Wasn't immediate. I always say fell into retail and I really tumbled into owning my own list. And I, I chose to leave retail because I was burning out. I was incredibly unwell. I was emotionally burnt out. I was physically burnt out. And it was it was showing in ways that were as as a workaholic even, I was very concerned about what was happening and that these patterns were repeating year after year.

Ruha Ratnam (00:16:28) - And so I got out of it thinking I was actually going to get a job in software engineering.

Lauren Best (00:16:37) - Oh, interesting twist.

Ruha Ratnam (00:16:40) - And I'm so glad that didn't happen. But I was. I took a year off. Basically. I gave myself a year to just play around to learn new things. So I was digging into coding, just up leveling my skills in coding, which I'd done since I was a child. So it was fun for me and was pursuing things that just felt enjoyable. I had given myself the time to just explore and respond and see how is feeling about things. And so a friend of mine who runs a pottery business need a little help, and so was helping her initially with the marketing side of things and the website, and then it turned into also helping with the pottery, which is great because I had a background in in sculpture. And there's something about if you've ever done any kind of pottery, there's something about playing in clay that's just very distressing. So it was the perfect.

Ruha Ratnam (00:17:28) - It was just exactly what I needed. For a few months. I ran a civic tech project for a few months as a project manager. Um, and then the pandemic hit.

Lauren Best (00:17:38) - Right?

Ruha Ratnam (00:17:40) - And there was at the time I was just trying to help people get online. I had the skills they needed to make their revenue because it was being impacted by store closures. So I was just helping friends in context get online as quickly as possible. And somewhere along the way, the business happened. So I ended up pulling it all together. And and this was not my intention. I really thought it was just going to be building websites for people. And and then along the way, you know, I started to get to know people. I do still, it needs to be meaningful work for me even now and even then. And so the more I listened to what they were seeing and, and the problems that they were dealing with, the more I realized that they don't always need a website. And even when they do, there are some foundational pieces here that are missing and it turns out, have the skills to help them figure that out.

Ruha Ratnam (00:18:39) - And so it gradually, quickly, but gradually evolved into, you know, a step at a time into what it is today, where I'm looking at brand strategy and sort of the brand design before we even get to the website and how they're selling online. And yeah, so it's been a bit of a journey. It's been a lot of paying attention and listening and observing and then choosing a direction, creating the roadmap and moving. But along that way, I'm along that path. I'm still paying attention and listening and course correcting a lot. Yeah.

Lauren Best (00:19:12) - And yeah, and there's a lot of intention, you know, that that even like pick up on that you've taken to really, you know, stick to your values and as you said, like it needs to be meaningful work for you and think part of designing our lives or our businesses in a way that feels meaningful and authentic is really sometimes having those checklists of like, what? What is the strong yes for me? And what is the strong know? Because we can get caught up in thinking, okay, especially with a fear mindset of like.

Lauren Best (00:19:44) - You know, there can be for new business owners a lot of like lack mindset around, well, if don't say yes to this project, will there be another one? Or if don't say yes to this client, will there be another one? And when we make that shift to like really attracting those people and opportunities that are aligned to us, you know, that goes away. But there is that there can be that gray area and it seems like you've really been able to look at, okay, what is meaningful work for you and what is not. And so what was that process like for you or what is that like, do you have a little checklist or something that does allow you to really stay true to who you are and the work you want to do so that you can say, be confident in having the yes or confident in the know. Like, what does that look like for you?

Ruha Ratnam (00:20:32) - You know, if we're talking to anyone else, I would say you might not like the answer, but feel like for you and your audience, this is probably this.

Ruha Ratnam (00:20:40) - This isn't going to be a surprise. It's taken me years and years and years of practice to get to where I am. And even now, sometimes I doubt myself. But I remember years ago reading this book, Designing Your Life, and now they have workshops and all of these other resources, but you started off by essentially assessing where you are now. So what is your health like? What does work look like for you? What does what are your relationships look like? And you kind of, you know, you you kind of scored it essentially. You put it on a scale according to your own values, internal values. What does it look like, and is it where you want it to be. And then based on that initial assessment, you then corrected you. You make decisions about what you want to prioritize. And then and then you create a little roadmap to get there. Um, I think they actually suggested that you create a few different options and then figure out what makes the most sense.

Ruha Ratnam (00:21:29) - Anyway, that was years ago. But then and then started doing some. Yeah.

Lauren Best (00:21:33) - Yeah.

Ruha Ratnam (00:21:35) - And then I started making these lists of what, every year I still do this. I'll make a list of 4 to 5 things that I want to do that I want to have. The have list is really hard for me because for a long time I really believe that wanting things was somehow it made me a bad person. Like, if I want, I'm greedy or it's, you know, I'm not being humble or it just felt really icky for me. So to have lists is really hard for me. And then 4 or 5 things that want to be and then based on that list, I'd pick 3 or 4 things that I want to prioritize that felt like game changers. They have to be slightly scary, like not too not too comfortable. And then I'd create a roadmap for it and I'd figure out what are my next steps, what are the resources need, how am I going to do this? And remember the first thing I did that this is going to sound so silly.

Ruha Ratnam (00:22:24) - I had a Malaysian driver's license and I finally had it switched. I traded it in for a Canadian driver's license, but had to go do the driver's test again and the like. That was on my list, and I knew I needed that. That sense of liberty needed to know that could. You know, even if I don't own a car, I can go rent a car and, like, drive across the island if wanted to. Yeah. And when I check that off, it was. I cannot explain this. That feeling of. Like one, like I can do this. The confidence that came out of, like, checking that first thing off my list. And then it was easy to do the rest, right? Yeah. And so every year when make this list, I'm really make sure that. At least some of those items are a little bit outside of my comfort zone, that I am pushing myself a little bit. And so over the years, I've I've had a lot of practice of just assessing where am I now, you know, does this align with my values? And when you're when you're doing this over and over again, think you get clear about what your values are, right? Because sometimes you will say yes to something that isn't quite aligned.

Ruha Ratnam (00:23:27) - And then you go. So that doesn't feel that doesn't feel right. So that's how I know better.

Lauren Best (00:23:32) - Because that's another learning lesson, right? Of like really like recognizing in your intuition or your body. Like when something is a yes or no. So that, you know, the next time you can be, you know, more tuned in with what that is. But yeah, it's it's really interesting, even the example of the driver's license, because I remember when I was living in Singapore and I also was going through this process, you know, this is like before the pandemic. And, you know, I came back to Canada in the middle of the pandemic unexpectedly. But it was like, okay, like if I'm, you know, going to be living in Singapore, I need to get a Singapore driver's license, which means I have to give up my Canadian one. And that was like something that, you know, for me, Singapore wasn't necessarily a permanent place, but it was like that.

Lauren Best (00:24:23) - I can relate on that level of like, fear of, like actually doing it because it again, had to right my test too. So totally like, get what you mean? I'm just like. And a few months later, I ended up moving back to Canada and having to do the reverse of it. But it really is like it can feel like the scary thing of like, if I do this, this is like a big part of, like letting go of something or like saying yes to something like, it's just it's hard to describe unless you get a new driver's license in a country where you're giving up your old one. I don't know, but it might seem like a small thing, but it's a perfect example of like, even if something seems really minuscule, if it feels like it doesn't necessarily always feel that that small, and it can be so impactful and so big and like something as simple as getting a driver's license isn't always simple. It can be that like, you know, just accepting of a new path or like saying goodbye to something old that was, you know, part of your identity and in this case, literally an identity piece of, of, you know, information about yourself.

Lauren Best (00:25:38) - So love that you shared that, but think, you know, it's really interesting to have those lists of things like you mentioned of what are some of these things that I want to do this year that will, you know, almost uplevel who I am at the person or within my identity or within how I show up in the world, not just as a business owner, as an individual, but as someone who's like, you know, creating new space or creating a new life or like this next part of your life within the world. So I love that you shared all of that, because I think those are such good tips for people to really think about. Also, like as you mentioned, the values like how can we show our values in our work and who we are and how we show up? So was that something? You know, I know you mentioned like each year you become more in tune with your values. And that's something like I've done a lot of work around just like identifying those and and seeing how I can show up with those values.

Lauren Best (00:26:38) - But sometimes, like needing those reminders of like, okay, this is actually what I value more than, you know, letting this fear of losing something or missing out or, um, you know, wanting to say yes to something that balance of like really allowing that value to exceed, you know, above anything else. How is that like something that you've noticed you've become more and more like comfortable with or just like, have you noticed that growing like more and more in terms of like being able to align to your values?

Ruha Ratnam (00:27:16) - Yes. I feel like the more you, you know, especially if you're someone who journals or you're very introspective and you're reflecting on all of these experiences, you're just going to be more aware generally. And of course, every time you act on it. So whether it's, you know, switching out your driver's license or, you know, it could be something small, it could be something massive. The more and more you do, like every time you do that, you're backing a little confidence.

Ruha Ratnam (00:27:41) - You're putting like you're putting a little deposit in your confidence bank. And that grows and grows. And as in our like, you know, it's think there is this exponential growth to like as much as you think this might be a tiny little thing that I just did, if it's aligned with your values, it just tells your brain that it's reaffirms that, okay, this feels good. And we have the like just I had the capacity to do that and to stick to what what I believe in or what I stand for. And the world is still okay. And if, you know, sometimes things go wrong, but I feel like we, our brains are really good at figuring out what what's right for us. Right? I mean, this, I say that very loosely, but I think the more you do it, the more you take action on the things that are meaningful to you, the more you solidify it for yourself internally. You build up that confidence in yourself to make those aligned decisions as well, but then to bring it back around to community, which we started with community think is so important.

Ruha Ratnam (00:28:41) - You know, I've had this practice of designing my life and like, I've designed this career for myself and I figured out what's important to me. And, you know, that's going to evolve over time as well. But when I started my business, I was I was feeling kind of unmoored. Didn't know, don't know who to even talk to at that point. Didn't know who could turn to my partners. Incredibly supportive. But you don't think you really understands what's going on, and you don't think you can truly understand unless you've done that. This a particular level of risk in running your own business or just doing something a little differently. And so finding community was really, really helpful knowing that here's a group of people who support me who was values are aligned, even if they're not exactly the same, who believe in me and are confident in me and trust me to make the right decisions. This there's something about that that's think very uplifting. I think mentors and coaches just surrounding yourself with, you know, we talk about a board of directors, an informal board of directors, the people you go to to throw ideas against and, and sort of run through problems with, think those people are so important to have around you, your friends, your peers, whatever that looks like.

Ruha Ratnam (00:30:00) - And and to to articulate to those people what's important to you and what your values are and what what do you want to stand up for and how you want to show up in the world? I think this makes it a little more possible.

Lauren Best (00:30:13) - Yeah. Oh, it's so true. And it's like, I love what you mentioned about the informal board of directors, because there are people that we get the privilege of meeting in our lives that, you know, we do feel that instant, like energetic alignment and just that alignment of values. And it feels really it can feel really safe to meet those people and also like, have that comfort to put things out there where maybe they're not like always going to sugarcoat things for you. Like these people are put in our lives to really support, but also like allow us and empower us, encourage us to grow. So think like just sharing that community can mean so many different things. And these people can show up for us in so many different ways. And it's just really, you know, giving ourselves the chance to form those connections, to put things out into the world and see what comes back to us.

Lauren Best (00:31:11) - And so I love, I love, I love that sentiment. And just knowing that there, you know, for anyone who is starting off on their own or is a in a place in their life or business where they just need that sounding board and they, you know, want to find that feedback really, you know, be intentional with with the people that are there and you surround yourself with that can really empower you to not only, you know, feel comfortable, but break out of that comfort zone in ways that perhaps you never imagined. If you were just kind of like surrounding yourself in the same spaces, the same people as well. So I love that so much. I feel like there's so many nuggets in this conversation today. Oh my goodness. But how can people, you know, learn more about your work, connect with you? What are some ways they can work with you as well?

Ruha Ratnam (00:32:06) - I typically offer brand strategy and website design. So always start with a strategy session and call it a brand blueprint.

Ruha Ratnam (00:32:13) - That's the first step. We we do a deep dive into your business and learn more about where you're going, what you've done so far, how do we get you to where you want to go? How do we help you show up in a way that feels good for you? Um, but a good starting point would be the brand archetype quiz that I very recently, um, added to the website so that you have the you have the link, Lauren. But it's the design is slash brand archetype. So that's one place. And then the other resource for folks who are in business and want to start a pure mastermind. Feel pure masterminds are one of the best things you can do, especially if you're someone who's shied away from any type of group situations because of, you know, maybe it's behind a paywall, maybe it's it's felt inaccessible. You feel like it's not going to be the right fit. Start your own pure mastermind. Um, I have a blog post that essentially outlines how you would go about doing it, and that's also on the website.

Ruha Ratnam (00:33:14) - And, um. And then and otherwise I hang out on Instagram, so that's a good place to find me. I'm usually in the DMs. I am slowly moving off of social media, but if you're in the if you're in the inner circle, just send me a DM on Instagram and I'll add you. And that's where I share. Um, I keep all my posts and updates reserved for folks who are actually who want to hear from me. Um, and that's it., slash the design studio.

Lauren Best (00:33:46) - Amazing. Well, thank you so much. Ruha will make sure all those links are below. But thank you so much for just sharing more about you and your journey, and how there's been so many beautiful kind of accidents that have led you to where you are and how you're making such an impact in the world, and how community has really been a big part of that. So thank you for showing up authentically and sharing everything with us. I'm so happy you joined, but thank you so much.

Ruha Ratnam (00:34:17) - Thank you for having me. Thanks for for your perspective as well. It's always helpful to hear like have it reflected back. And I've learned a lot from this conversation too. It's always fun chatting with you.

Lauren Best (00:34:28) - So good. Thanks everyone for listening. Bye. Because you've been listening to the show, I want to leave you with a Little treat, which is one of my favorite hypnosis audios that will help you let go of the noise and worry from your everyday life by bringing you to a place where you can connect with your subconscious mind and imagine and dream about your life. Because as we continue to move through ebbs and flows and seasons of our lives, there will likely be times where envisioning new possibilities becomes difficult, or where we struggle to move out of that autopilot mode and into self-awareness to really live the lives that we want. So do listen to this audio. It will encourage you to keep dreaming about your life, even during uncertain times where new possibilities may feel cloudy. Hypnosis has been such an amazing tool that I myself have used to move from a state of overwhelm and stuckness to really being able to keep dreaming about my life.

Lauren Best (00:35:29) - And I know you can too. So visit the link below to download the visualize a Life You Love Hypnosis audio for free or visit my website. Lauren. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey of exploring new possibilities and embracing your most authentic self. I appreciate you and your willingness to open your mind and your heart to new ideas and ways of being that are beyond your current reality. So if you found value in this episode, please take a moment to leave a reading and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to this podcast. Your support helps us to spread the message of compassion, self discovery, and personal growth to more people who may benefit from it. And if you're looking for additional support on your journey of self-discovery and transformation, I invite you to visit my website at Lauren Bascombe, where you'll find resources, courses, and coaching services to help you navigate life's challenges with more ease and joy and confidence and support. So please check that out. And more than anything, I hope you'll remember that you're not alone on this journey.

Lauren Best (00:36:46) - We are all in this together, and by embracing our most authentic selves, we can create more compassion and connection to the world. So please keep dreaming, keep exploring, and keep provoking possibilities with love and intuition. I'll be back soon with more thought provoking questions, inspiring stories, and powerful insights and conversations to support you on your journey. But until then, take care of yourself and others and remember that you are worthy of love and possibility.

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